Code Programme Title Duration
FS-101 Understanding and Application of HACCP Principles 1 or 2 days
FS-102 Effective HACCP Auditing 2 days
FS-105 Understanding of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) 1 day
FS-106 Documenting and Implementing the GMP 2 days
FS-107 Effective GMP Auditing 2 days
FS-108 Understanding and Documenting GMP-B2 (2010) Production of Feed Ingredient   2 days
FS-109 Introduction to GMP-B2 (2010) Production of Feed Ingredients 1 day
FS-110 Understanding and Implementing the ISO 22000 Food Safety Management System 2 days
FS-111 Pre-requisite Programme (PRP) for ISO 22000 Food Safety Management System  2 days
FS-112 Internal Auditing for ISO 22000 Food Safety Management System 2 days
FS-113 Understanding and Implementing the IFIS for Animal Feed Safety 2 days
FS-114 Internal Auditing Training for GMP-B2 (2010) Production of Feed Ingredients 1 day
FS-115 Understanding the Food Safety System Certification FSSC 22000 (Version 4.1) in compliance with ISO 22000:2018 1 day
FS-116 Pre-requisite Program ( PRPs) For FSSC 22000 2 days
FS-117 Internal Auditing for Food Safety System Certification FSSC 22000 (Version 4.1) in compliance with ISO 22000:2018 1 day
FS-118 Food Handler Training 1 day
FS-119 Understanding of ISO22716 Cosmetic- Good Manufacturing Practices 1 day
FS-120 Understanding MS1480 HACCP and MS1514 GMP 1 or 2 days
FS-121 Understanding of PAS 223:2011 Prerequisite Programmes and Design Requirements for Food Safety in the Manufacture and Provision of Food Packaging 1 day
FS-122 Internal Auditing for MS1480 and ISO 22000 Food Safety Management System 2 days
FS-123  Food Allergen Management Training 1 day
FS-124  Understanding the MS 1480 and ISO 22000 Food Safety Management System 1 day
FS-125  Internal Auditing for ISO 22000, FSSC 22000 and GMP+B2 2 days
FS-126  Introduction to Roundtable Sustainability Palm Oil (RSPO) 1 day
FS-127  Food Defense Training 1 or 2 days
FS-128  Introduction to PAS 96:2014 - Protecting and Defending Food and Drink from Deliberate Attack 1 day
FS-129  Understanding the FSSC 22000 and Food Handler Training 1 day
FS-130  Introduction to GMP+ B1 Production, Trade and Services 1 day
FS-131  Understanding of ISO/TS 22002-4 Prerequisite Programmes on Food Safety – Food Packaging Manufacturing 1 day
FS-133  Introduction to GMP+B3 (2010) Feed of Food Safety 1 day
FS-134  Understanding of ISO 22002-1 Prerequisite Program for Food Manufacturer 1 day
FS-135  Introduction on Malaysia Sustainable Palm Oil Certification (MSPO) 1 day
FS-136  Food Fraud Training 1 day
FS-137  FSSC 22000 Lead Auditor (IRCA) 5 day
FS-138  Food Fraud and Food Defense Training 2 day
FS-139  Introduction to GMP + B3 Trade, collection and storage & transshipment of Feed Ingredients 1 day
FS-140  Internal Auditing Training for GMP + B3 Trade, collection and storage & & transshipment of Feed Ingredients 1 day
FS-141  Risk Base Thinking for ISO 22000:2018 1 day
FS-142  Understanding the FAMI-QS Feed Safety Management System 1 day
FS-301  Introduction to Halal Certification for Malaysia 1 day
FS-302  Food Act 1983 (Act 281) & Regulations 1 day
FS-303  ISO 22000:2018 Risk Management 1 day
FS-304  GMP+ Appendixes - Explanation and Update 1 day
FS-305  Understanding the MS 1480:2019 Food Safety According to HACCP System 1 day